Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Boo Hoo For The Boys

In the last 2 weeks, I have had 2 heated conversations with friends and family about circumcision.  Although many people have their own opinions on this subject, and they have the right to it, I am a very strong believer in leaving my boys "winky" unharmed.

The first time I thought I might be having a boy my mother asked if we would be circumcising. She asked because on her side of the family it just was "not done". We left our boys "pee-pees" in tact "as god made them". Although I am not a religious person, that made sense to me. My husband on the other hand was "cut" at birth and seemed to see nothing wrong with the procedure. I thought 99% that I was having all girls and this would not be something I would even have to decide on.... so I didn't. I said it was up to my husband when the baby was born.

Out came baby boy #1. When asked by the doctor if that was something we would like to do my first response was "don't touch my damn baby!". Then, we found out that it is no longer free of charge (as it had been for decades) and it would cost us $300 out of our pockets since it was elective. Thankfully my husband agreed with my feelings and did not push it to be done. My mother-in-law on the other hand could not believe we were not doing it. She was outraged! She thought my sweet little first born would get an infection for sure and would have to have it amputated or something, or he woulod be ridiculed by the other boys for having a little extra skin on the end of his "doodle". An uneducated woman who believed I needed to teach them to pull back the skin and wash every day. After speaking with our family practitioner, it turns out that you never pull back the skin until they are at a "showering age" and that 55% of boys are no longer cut.... so mother-in-law's theory went out the window! Phew.

When baby boy #2 came out..... it was a no-brainer. I was not cutting my child in any way shape or form. I did take the time to look it up online and view a very graphic video of the procedure though. This video showed a helpless baby being strapped down by all fours and having these clamps stretch out the skin to 3 times its size, then, when it seemed it could not get any worse, they cut the end off with scissors and simply stuck a towel to stop the blood. No drugs, no freezing.... just screaming helpless baby boy. Hmmm.

As women we endure a whole lot of shit. We have cramps, bloating, bloody periods, child birth, pap-tests, mammograms, menopause,  hormone replacement treatments, etc etc etc. What do men have? Oh wait.... they have orgasms every time they have sex and..... and...... and..... sorry... that's all I got! So I ask this; if 1 out of every 10 boy could develop a penis infection from not being circumcised as a baby and possibly have to have it done as an adult.... don't they kind of deserve this one little (painful I am sure.... but I don't sympathize after 1 vaginal and 1 c-section delivery) thing. Don't they?

I am not saying I want my boys to get infected.... so they bathe regularly..... but I certainly don't want innocent little monkey men being violated when they have no idea what it going on. They may not "remember" as some people say.... but don't some of them deserve to?!

(If I have offended anyone who has a child and has gone through with this procedure then I do apologize... but I am certainly allowed my very strong opinion on this subject and I love you all!)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Get Him Drunk... & Go Shopping!

So it was a night like any other. My husband got home late, had his supper (reheated in the microwave as usual!), and helped put the boys to bed. He came downstairs and said he felt like having a rye and coke. Now, my husband is not much of an every day kind of drinker, more of an occasional drinker when company comes over. Not to say he doesn't over drink....cause he does.... but he certainly does not drink all that often. So, he poured himself one drink, said how much it felt like Christmas because this was his "Christmas" drink of choice, and decided to have another.

Next thing I know, he has downed half the bottle. At this point, he is blabbing on about how much his work buddies are going to love me at the Christmas party next weekend,  telling me how sexy I am, and going on and on about how we should get the boys all the things they want for Christmas because his parents "gipped" him big time!

So, what does any good wife do when her husband tells her he wants to spend money..... jump on the computer and start looking for what to bye online while he's still tipsie! We bought the boys new bed sheets, bean bag chairs and a surprise Christmas "outfit" for the whole family. This was the first time he has ever bought online, where as I am an old pro, so he was thrilled at how things come right to the door and we don't need to leave the house!

The next morning he said to me "Can you believe what we bought?"...... I most certainly can.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Do I... Don't I?

We have been trying for a third baby for almost 2 years now. We never thought it was going to take this long at all! When we decided to start having babies, we got pregnant with Noah within 3 months. Max was a delightful surprise as a result of antibiotics rendering my birth control pills null. So when we got back from a trip to Florida in 2009, we decided it was the perfect time to start for a third. I thought we would be pregnant immediately. Every month that went by after that, I kept thinking that the tiniest ailments were due to a possible pregnancy. After almost 2 years of trying, and several doctors visits.... turns out its not going to happen so easily this time.

First, I now have hypothryroidism. This means I am overweight, take a daily pill, and have decreased my chances of having a baby by 75%. Second, I have scarring on my fallopian tubes caused by an infection post c-section with Max. Doctor says my chances of having a baby without intervention is pretty slim.

I have been hoping and praying to have another baby for what seems like an eternity! My Max is no longer a baby (he turns 3 soon!) and life is getting much easier at home. I can tell the boys to go downstairs and play together to give Mommy a break. I don't have the "neediness" of a toddler anymore, so my hands are free to get much more done around the house. So this begs the question..... do I.... or don't I?

Should I leave this easier lifestyle as is, with 2 wonderful healthy boys? Or should I keep trying for the little girl I have always dreamed of having (and I know there's no guarantee that monkey #3 would be a girl!)?

Do I continue running a home daycare with babies ruining my home and sanity? Do I send Max off to school next year and have the choice of leaving the house and making real money again? Or, do I keep trying to fulfill this selfish hope of having a Mini Kimmy to dress up and call "Mommies Girl".

Things were so much easier back when babies came so easily to me!

BTW: The diet lasted 3 days and I went the other way and gained 3 lbs! Oops.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Diet Begins

After a fun weekend of relaxing with my boys, eating junk food like McDonald's and chips, me and my husband looked in the mirror comparing our belly fat. My belly fat was loose (from having 2 babies) and his was all around. "We are starting the diet tomorrow" we decided at the same time! That same night, as I leaned over my eldest son's bed to kiss him (also leaning over my husband who was cuddling with our son)  the bed made a big POP sound. Our enormous bellies and junk food habit had finally broken the bed! Sigh.

So today, for all of my blog friends, in the style of Bridget Jones I am starting a diet! Why would someone subject themselves to this humiliation and public scrutiny???.... cause its the only way that I am going to stick to it!

This morning I stood on the scale to see a horrible sight..... 156 lbs! My goal by the new year (taking in to consideration that I will eat at Christmas) is 140 lbs. Fruits, Veggies, Lean Proteins, Whole Grains and much less sugar is how I am going to lose it. Walking to and from the Superstore, walking 4 nights a week on my treadmill, and cleaning and organizing my house is how I am going to tone it. And, wearing all my size 10 pants (currently I fit in 12-14) so that I feel fat and unhappy with myself, is how I am going to feel it.

So please, be patient with me. I may not be as happy and full of rainbows and sunshine like you are used to..... but this will only lead me to a happier and healthier Kim.

And so it begins.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Days of Our lives

When I was a toddler, about 2 or 3, I was babysat by my Grandma Stella every day. Grandma Stella loved to watch Days of Our Lives and got me hooked at the same time that I graduated from diapers to the potty. I can remember story lines that occurred 25 years ago on that show.... and I am not even 30 yet! I really wanted to be on that show. Still do. What a great career it would be to get all dolled up, make good money and make out with super insane hot men all day! When I said this to my "theatre" friends at 18 years old, they thought I was insane! They all wanted to do Shakespeare in the Park, Off Broadway shows and possibly make some good independent films. I was dreaming of a much different acting career. I wanted to be Sarah Michelle Gellar. I wanted to start on a soap (like she did), win a Daytime Emmy (like she did) and go on to star in an awesome prime-time role like Buffy (the Vampire Slayer for those who live under a rock!). I wanted stardom. Acting, singing... it didn't matter! Pretty far fetched for a girl raised in Orleans. 

So now, I am not famous, I do not get to kiss Mr.McDreamy (no offense Cory) all day, and I certainly don't make loads of money with my home daycare. But guess what.... I'm happy! I have 2 amazing boys who I would not trade for all the dolling up, money, or hot men! I am 20 lbs overweight, rarely showered, living paycheck to paycheck, and I get to kiss 3 men every day. Not too shabby!

My wonderful sister Shanon tells me its not too late.... but I am far more realistic. I would never be able to put in the hours it requires to "make it" as an actor without completely neglecting my children. My kids come first. Always have, always will. Some people believe that even though you have kids, you can still do everything you want to do..... but sorry.... that is just so not true! So, what does this mean for Kim? This means I will be the best darn entertaining Mom in the world! My kids may cover their ears when I sing... and my kids might not ever win me that Daytime Emmy for my role as Samantha Brady on Days of Our Lives, but they will make me smile every day, and they will make me feel like I have just won the biggest award ever.... Best Mommy!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mommy Kim on a Whim

So here it is. After years of communicating with my "Mommy" friends on the infamous Facebook, I have decided to create my own blog. The question is, what does Kim have to say and is Kim able to write about enough stuff to keep you interested? Who knows! I'll sure as heck try.

So be patient with my poor spelling and grammar abilities (its been 10 years since I have been graded on those abilities.... and honestly, they were not so great then either!).  I am trying to express myself to those who care about me and my feelings about my kids, my husband, my love of baked goods and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I want my "Mommy" friends, my soon-to-be "Mommy" friends and my "Unsure I will ever be a Mommy" friends to see what life is like with 2 boys, a husband, a daycare, a cupcake business and no time to tinkle.... seriously, the last time I went in there alone was 6 years ago!!

Life can be overwhelming and terribly dull at the same time! Let's talk about that!