Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mommy Kim on a Whim

So here it is. After years of communicating with my "Mommy" friends on the infamous Facebook, I have decided to create my own blog. The question is, what does Kim have to say and is Kim able to write about enough stuff to keep you interested? Who knows! I'll sure as heck try.

So be patient with my poor spelling and grammar abilities (its been 10 years since I have been graded on those abilities.... and honestly, they were not so great then either!).  I am trying to express myself to those who care about me and my feelings about my kids, my husband, my love of baked goods and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I want my "Mommy" friends, my soon-to-be "Mommy" friends and my "Unsure I will ever be a Mommy" friends to see what life is like with 2 boys, a husband, a daycare, a cupcake business and no time to tinkle.... seriously, the last time I went in there alone was 6 years ago!!

Life can be overwhelming and terribly dull at the same time! Let's talk about that!

1 comment:

  1. So what do you mean by tinkle and that last time you went there alone was 6 years ago??? Are you referring to something that rhymes with constipation?
