Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Get Him Drunk... & Go Shopping!

So it was a night like any other. My husband got home late, had his supper (reheated in the microwave as usual!), and helped put the boys to bed. He came downstairs and said he felt like having a rye and coke. Now, my husband is not much of an every day kind of drinker, more of an occasional drinker when company comes over. Not to say he doesn't over drink....cause he does.... but he certainly does not drink all that often. So, he poured himself one drink, said how much it felt like Christmas because this was his "Christmas" drink of choice, and decided to have another.

Next thing I know, he has downed half the bottle. At this point, he is blabbing on about how much his work buddies are going to love me at the Christmas party next weekend,  telling me how sexy I am, and going on and on about how we should get the boys all the things they want for Christmas because his parents "gipped" him big time!

So, what does any good wife do when her husband tells her he wants to spend money..... jump on the computer and start looking for what to bye online while he's still tipsie! We bought the boys new bed sheets, bean bag chairs and a surprise Christmas "outfit" for the whole family. This was the first time he has ever bought online, where as I am an old pro, so he was thrilled at how things come right to the door and we don't need to leave the house!

The next morning he said to me "Can you believe what we bought?"...... I most certainly can.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Do I... Don't I?

We have been trying for a third baby for almost 2 years now. We never thought it was going to take this long at all! When we decided to start having babies, we got pregnant with Noah within 3 months. Max was a delightful surprise as a result of antibiotics rendering my birth control pills null. So when we got back from a trip to Florida in 2009, we decided it was the perfect time to start for a third. I thought we would be pregnant immediately. Every month that went by after that, I kept thinking that the tiniest ailments were due to a possible pregnancy. After almost 2 years of trying, and several doctors visits.... turns out its not going to happen so easily this time.

First, I now have hypothryroidism. This means I am overweight, take a daily pill, and have decreased my chances of having a baby by 75%. Second, I have scarring on my fallopian tubes caused by an infection post c-section with Max. Doctor says my chances of having a baby without intervention is pretty slim.

I have been hoping and praying to have another baby for what seems like an eternity! My Max is no longer a baby (he turns 3 soon!) and life is getting much easier at home. I can tell the boys to go downstairs and play together to give Mommy a break. I don't have the "neediness" of a toddler anymore, so my hands are free to get much more done around the house. So this begs the question..... do I.... or don't I?

Should I leave this easier lifestyle as is, with 2 wonderful healthy boys? Or should I keep trying for the little girl I have always dreamed of having (and I know there's no guarantee that monkey #3 would be a girl!)?

Do I continue running a home daycare with babies ruining my home and sanity? Do I send Max off to school next year and have the choice of leaving the house and making real money again? Or, do I keep trying to fulfill this selfish hope of having a Mini Kimmy to dress up and call "Mommies Girl".

Things were so much easier back when babies came so easily to me!

BTW: The diet lasted 3 days and I went the other way and gained 3 lbs! Oops.