Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Importance of a Mommies Night Out

When I had my first son, I barely went out at night. I was un showered, tv dependant and lived for my baby and only my baby. After my second child, I started to attend daytime pay dates with some other friends who had babies around the same age as my own. Later, those daytime play dates became night time Mommies Nights and we have since never looked back.

We are a group of 6 moms, all from the same high school, all in need of a night out. The best part of these gatherings is that we CAN talk about our kids... since really, it's all we have to talk about. Four out of six of us are a stay-at-home parent (for the most part) and so our kids become one of our only topics of discussion. We talk about the silly things our kids do to entertain us, the trials and tribulations of giving birth, getting up a dozen times with newborns, and best of all, we talk about our husbands. Each one of us has a different  "type" of husband/daddy to our kids. There are the lucky ones who have the "helpful" type, then the rest of us who may not be so lucky. This becomes a heated topic of discussion, which can lead to some tears, laughs and funny stories.

We have a regular spot we attend where the atmosphere is a bit more sophisticated, no crying children around, and we can stay til midnight or later. This has become a semi-regular gathering for us "Mommies" and we are all the better for them.

To all the others who may not have these nights to let down their hair, be child-free, and eat food that they did not have to prepare, I highly recommend you start one up with a couple of your favourite "Mommies".... it sure can make a difference!